Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Little Fish...

Hey all! Hope you had a great weekend, I certainly did!!

On Saturday Michael and I went to the Rockwall Animal Shelter and picked up a kitty :) His name is Jack and he is a crazy little nutso. He is SO adorable though.

He loves boxes... what cat doesn't?

The first day we had him, this is all he wanted to do:

But as the evening hours wore on, he got crazier and crazier! We have to get up with him at about 6am every morning because he gets so restless and noisy. I tell you, if you think you're ready for a child, I hope you've had a baby pet first. Even little kitties can be terrors when they want to. But he's worth it. He's so stinkin' cute.

Sunday morning, Michael took me to Lakepointe Church in Rockwall. I've been excited to go, because it's a big, pretty church from the outside. And on the inside, whew it's even bigger! It was the first time I felt like a little fish in a big pond. In Stillwater, if you go to church, even a big one like LifeChurch, you're bound to see several people you know. I knew no one. The message was great and I'm really glad we went, but wow. I was a little overwhelmed. Later that day our friends Jared and Amanda called and asked if we wanted to drive over to Frisco with them and walk around the Ikea. We were feeling a little lazy but had never been to an Ikea, so we went. It was so much fun! It was like a never-ending, two story store the size of a mall! We had a blast. On our way back into Rockwall, we stopped in Garland at the Flying Saucer, their favorite bar/restaurant. I'd never been, but they go pretty often so I was excited to see it. It was so awesome! They have over 200 beers, and the walls are glass so you can see right out to the lake! This was our view at dinner:

I really like Jared and Amanda. They makes us get off our butts and try new things!

Yesterday morning I had my second interview with Dallas Theater Center. It went really well! My interviewer and I chatted for about 20 minutes and then she gave me a tour of the theater. I would really love to work there! But we'll see. I haven't heard anything yet. Then last night I went to an audition in Plano. It went pretty well. I'm getting REALLY restless without a job. I almost went out and applied for jobs at restaurants and stores today, but I didn't. I'm really hoping I get the DTC job, or cast in one of the plays I've auditioned for recently. Can't wait forever though, commuting to interviews and auditions is expensive!

Last night on my way home from Plano I got lost. I was so frustrated and I started to get angry and weepy. I hate not being able to find my way around naturally. It was the second time I felt like a little fish! All these towns around the Dallas area mesh into one, you can hardly tell when you're leaving one and entering another! So I got really confused and was in the car about 30 minutes longer than I needed to be. I don't like that everywhere I go I rely on mapquest directions or my GPS. I miss always knowing where I am, and I miss my family and friends! And sitting home all day doesn't help, it just gives me time to feel sorry for myself. But hey, no one ever said this was going to be easy. I DO love living with Michael, and I love Dallas. It will all work out.

This weekend, Michael and I are going home for the first OSU game! I'm so excited to see my family and Maggi!! I'm such a baby. It's been less than a week and I already can't wait to visit. But hopefully a visit home will cure the homesickness for a while :) and maybe when I come back I'll have a job waiting for me! Here's to thinking positively. Gotta go now, Jack is trying to steal all my money.

Have a good one!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dallas Fun!

I am loving Texas so far! So many opportunities to work and play! As I was driving around town the other day, I took this picture. I know, I'm a total townie for taking pictures of big buildings.

I had an audition yesterday for a show called Circle Mirror Transformation. It's a show with 5 people, 3 women and 2 men. The women are 55, 35, and 16 years old. So I went in trying to look young and they had me read for the 35 year-old! That was a surprise. It was a really fun audition, I love cold readings. I read a monologue, and then 2 scenes with 2 different men. We had a blast and I chatted with a really nice older gentlemen on my way out. He recommended a few places in the Dallas area that I should go. So far, Texans have been very friendly. Well, not on the highways, but in person. When I got home I heard from Dallas Theatre Center, and I have a second interview with them on Monday! Yahoo!

Last night, Michael and I went to a Rangers game in Arlington. It was a blast! Josh Hamilton played an amazing game, and Michael definitely has a guy crush on him. I've never been really into baseball, but I realized last night that that's probably because I've never seen a really good team play! Watching the Rangers was really exciting! After the game there was an awesome fireworks show. All in all, a great date night :)

The field!

Ol' long arms took this picture of us after the fireworks!

Today we are going to try to go to the Humane Society in Rockwall and look at kitties! Trying not to get my hopes up but I hope we find one! Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Home on the Range!

Well, I am officially moved into my new Texas home! Michael and I are living in Rockwall, Texas! He works in Greenville for L-3 and I'm going to be persueing theatre in Dallas. So far I'm loving it! I've been decorating and making Michael's apartment a little girlier :)

Yesterday I had my phone interview with Dallas Theatre Center. It went really well, but I'm not sure how many people I'm up against. Hopefully I'll go in tomorrow for a second interview! I've also got an audition tomorrow. So moving here is definitely worth it so far!

Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start at the beginning and get caught up. Tuesday was my last day in Stillwater, so I just spent the day having a blast with Maggi! She is a new employee at the Stonewall, so I went that afternoon and visited her. Here she is behind the bar!

Later that day, we got all our old clothes we don't wear and we put them in a big pile. I ended up with some sweet scores and gave her a few things too! Then she cooked me a delicious dinner and I headed home to get ready for the evening. Once we got to the bar again (I know, twice in one day, yikes) Randi had a going-away present for me! Ok, there's a backstory to this. Last fall we had Acting III, Shakespeare, together. This was my first class with Randi, so I was still getting to know her. One day in class she had this really LONG scarf with her. She proceeded to wrap it around her head like a turban while Matt was lecturing. This was the outcome:

I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in a class! So needless to say I was very excited when she passed it on to me. This is how thrilled I was:

I don't think I really pull it off like Randi did, but I'll make it work eventually.
The next day (yesterday) I packed up my car and headed to Dallas! I'm sooo excited to be here, and there's lots more pictures of our apartment on facebook if you care to creep :) Last night we ate with Michael's work friend, Jared, and his girlfriend Amanda. They were so funny and great! I'm glad Michael has already found us some fun people to hang out with. We ate at Edohana in Rockwall, it was amazing sushi!! I wanted to take a picture of all of us at dinner, but since I just met them I thought it might be a little creepy. Maybe next time :)

Today is a GORGEOUS day in Rockwall, I think we're up to a whopping 75 degrees this morning. Today I'm headed into Dallas to read the script for my audition tomorrow, and I'm gonna ride windows down the whole way! I can't wait! I also need to check in with our apartment office so I can start using their GYM! Hope your Thursday is as fabulous as mine! Have a great one!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hide ya kids, Hide ya wife

Yesterday was quite the adventure! I got on my computer to see what's hip and happening in the world and saw that there was a casting call for a movie in Tulsa with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner. So I hopped in my car and headed to Tulsa! Whew, that line was loooong! There were hundreds and hundreds of people there- actors, techies, little kids, pageant moms, etc. The line started inside at the ballroom, went up an escalator, through the lobby, outside and around the hotel. I stood in line next to a man who was in UHF with Weird Al in the 80's. Wowzers, there were all types of people. So I stood in line outside (ouch, it was hot) for about 45 minutes when the casting director came out! We all got really excited because if the casting director likes the way you look, he'll pull you out of line and inside to talk to you. But instead he said, "Listen, there's no way we can fit all of you in today. Thanks for waiting but we just can't see everyone." So I ran up to him and gave him my headshot and resume and headed back to Stillwater. Kind of a disappointing day, but at least I tried!

Yesterday evening I worked at the snocone stand to make a little extra cash. Now, I've worked there for 9 years now, and I've never had a scare like I did last night. Sure, it's not exactly on the good side of town, but it's still Stillwater, America. Bad things don't usually happen here. So I always feel safe working there at night. But last night, I got a little freaked out. It was just after sunset and I hadn't had any customers in a while, so I sat down and read my magazine. I hadn't looked up in probably 30 minutes because it was super slow and there wasn't any cleaning to be done, but that was a bad idea. Finally a car pulled in and an older couple got out. They ordered their snocones and then started acting really strangely. The gentlemen kept circling the building and the woman asked if I kept my door locked. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought THEY were the fishy ones. Finally, the man told me when they pulled up there was a large man standing right beside the building, and when they shined their lights on him he ran off. Now, I would really like to think this man was my gaurdian angel, but let's face it, that's probably not the case. Behind the snocone stand there is a fence and some woods, so I have no idea what he was doing running off that direction, but I was officially scared the rest of the night. As soon as they left, I got really paranoid. My door wouldn't lock because the air conditioner is right over it and the liquids sometimes make that old door swell up and it doesn't line up right. So I was just standing there shaking in my boots. Luckily, God sent me a TON of customers right after that, so the parking lot really livened up and it was full of people and noise. They were still there even when I closed up and drove away. My dad also came up to make sure everything was all right, and guess what- he brought a crowbar!! Thank the Lord for sending people to look out for me and keep me safe.

So of course the rest of the night I was singing this song in my head:

I'll be closing the snocone stand again tonight, and I'd really appreciate a visit- especially after dark!! Have a very safe and happy Sunday

Friday, August 20, 2010

Opportunity and Inspiration

Ok, so I was waiting to blog until I heard about my callback so that I could fill everyone in at once! But guess what... I still haven't heard. So this could mean one of two things. Of course my mind jumps to the negative first, that I just didn't get cast and this is their silent way of saying I didn't get it. But the other thing is, theatre people are NEVER ON TIME! Auditions almost always run a few minutes behind, theatre professors tend to sleep through classes on accident, and yes, when they say the cast list will be announced on a certain day, it's not always true. So I'm hoping we all just made the director's job so hard at callbacks and he just can't decide. It's really exciting to even have a callback at this point, and I shouldn't take that for granted. I just can't help but be anxious.

Time to vent:

Prepare yourselves, I'm about to get a little sassy. You know what I'm tired of? People being SO disappointed in me when I don't get cast, just because they don't understand the business. I know that they just want the best for me, but listen up: it is really hard to get a job in theatre! Any job! Backstage, onstage, box office, janitor, whatever! With this economy, we are really lucky to still have the arts around at all! I just feel like every time I go to an audition and don't get cast, people give me the big sad eyes like, "aww, I'm sorry you're such a horrible actor. Hopefully next time you won't suck so bad." And really, that's not the case. It's nothing like a normal job interview, where they hire people regardless of their race, their height, or their age as long as they are good at what they do. In theatre, we are judged FIRST on our appearance and whether we would fit in with the look of the cast, THEN our talent. There are so many factors that go into getting cast. Especially for people like me. Tall, redhead, young and spunky. Am I ever going to be cast as Juliet? NO WAY! And I'm ok with that! Is that going to keep me from auditioning for her? NO WAY! I need the audition experience and I'd love to get to know the directors in the area. If they've already cast a man in a play who's 5'6" and they're looking for a leading lady to play opposite him (aka Jo Jonas in Les Mis... hahaha), I'm not going to get that role. If they're looking for a young mom or a strong dancer or a young love interest, I'm not going to fit in. But there are many more things I AM good at, and by golly one of these days I will be cast! Don't feel sorry for me, people. I'm good at what I do and I will get cast soon. It just takes the right time and the right part. Theatre is one of the hardest careers to break into, and it just takes a while. It's hard to explain, just know that when I'm not cast, I'm not discouraged. It's nothing personal, it really is just business. And I am determined to make a living at this!!

Rosie and I had a LONG talk about theatre tonight and how tough it is. We have to work every single day as actors to keep our singing skills fresh, our muscles flexible, our monologues updated and memorized, our theatres and directors kept straight, head shots, resumes, business cards always ready to hand out at a moment's notice, and a constant smile on our faces, even when we don't feel like smiling. It is a tough business, but we are so excited to crack into it! And we WILL someday very soon! It just takes relentless prayer and persistence!

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work."
-- Thomas Edison

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
-- Seneca

"If I have the belief that I can do it, I will surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning."
-- Mahatma Gandhi

“The Creator has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do”
-- Orison Swett

That last one is my favorite! It's a tough road we've chosen, but God gave us the feet to walk it. The only reason most actors don't make it is because they give up, NOT because they don't have the talent! After Rosie and I talked, I whipped out my audition notebook and updated it. I went over all my monologues and put tabs in my notebook with all the theatres I have auditioned for. I put the names of directors, stage managers, the monologues I did for those people, and when I plan to go back to audition again. I feel much more prepared and inspired to get back to auditioning! So stick with what you love, whether it's acting, teaching, building, designing, whatever! You CAN do it!

Ok, now that that's out of the way, it's time for some funny pictures. I discovered recently that I have a problem. A sunglasses problem. Just this summer, I have bought 4 pairs of sunglasses!! Who needs that many pairs of glasses, really? It's not like I buy expensive ones or anything (the pair I bought while Rosie and I were in Dallas were about $4.50) but it's still unnecessary. So on Wednesday night, Maggi and I went to Stonewall to meet up with some friends. I brought my 4 spare pairs of sunglasses to give away to my friends. Maggi took a couple pairs, but I couldn't seem to get rid of this one certain pair. Maggi tried them on, but decided against them:

Next up was Randi, but she decided they were a little big for her face as well:

And finally, my friend Amber, who has the tiniest face of all of us, decided she had to have them:

My friends are so cute! I'm headed out to get some ice cream with Maggi- the perfect Friday treat! Have a great Friday night!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Callback Craziness!

Whew! Tons of traveling lately!

Just got home this morning from Dallas... again! Rosie and I left Monday morning for her wedding dress appointment. Rosie had her heart set on trying on this dress she found in a magazine that is only sold at a few stores. So we showed up and tried it on. Well, it wasn't the "one," but there was a girl trying on dresses a few mirrors down, and I LOVED her dress. The girl down the row decided against the dress, so I asked our consultant if Rosie could try it on, because I knew she would look fabulous in it. Lo and behold, it was the "ONE!!" She looked absolutely gorgeous in all of the dresses she tried on, but this one definitely conquered them all. We left the store a while later to think about it, but Rosie decided she definitely wanted to go back the next day and purchase it. So yesterday we headed back to the store and Rosie bought her WEDDING DRESS!!!! It's so exciting! I wish I could post a picture or say more, but I can't :) It will just have to be a big surprise! We also went shopping that afternoon at North Park Mall. We hadn't ever been there before, but it was right near the bridal store, so we hopped on over and spent a little more of our hard-earned money. It was a wonderful girl's day!

Later that night, I had my callback for Dallas Children's Theatre. It was a blast! The characters I was called back for have some hilarious lines, so reading for them was very fun. Dallas is just such a great place. If you'd told me a few years ago that I would be REALLY excited to move there, I'd have thought you were crazy. But the more times I visit, the more excited I am to settle in and make it my home. Hopefully I'll have a job at DCT when I get down there, but if not, I've found so many exciting auditions in the area! And all the theaters are so nice. I'm just so grateful to have found a city where I can work in theatre and still be a few hours from home!

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Busy busy busy!

Wow, it has been a long time since I've blogged! Life has been crazy! In a very good way. Last week, my family, along with Michael, left for Colorado! For the past few years, my family has been vacationing in Leadville, a couple hours outside of Denver and about one hour from Aspen. It's the most beautiful place ever! We usual climb the mountains around the town, hike, shop, and just relax! This year I was SO excited that Micheal was able to take off from work and come with us. We climbed Mt. Elbert, the highest peak in Colorado, 2nd highest in the lower 48 states! My dad and I climbed it a couple years ago, but I was glad to share that experience with Michael. He and I have had so many great adventures together! (Side note- our 1 year anniversary is this Sunday!!) He also celebrated his 23rd birthday while on our trip. It was just a blast all around!

As soon as we got back to Stillwater, Michael had to head back to Texas to get back to work the next day! We were in the car 12 hours, he was in the car 17!! Yikes. I felt bad for him, but he is dedicated to his job, can't fault him for that! On Monday I headed to Texas as well for some auditions in the Dallas area. Monday night I auditioned for Dallas Children's Theatre, which was a blast! The cast is all adults and they perform for schools around the area, and have some evening shows open to the public as well. The script was hilarious and all the characters have some kind of funny accent, so the audition was really fun. And I have a callback for this Tuesday :)

Tuesday night I auditioned for Theatre Three. It is a BEAUTIFUL theatre in a gorgeous area of Dallas known as "The Quadrangle." As soon as I walked in I was like, "Oh yeah, I'm home." The audition was much faster than I would have liked it to be (I was actually out of there before my audition time even started) but at least they know me now and have my headshot on file. Maybe I'll get a callback next time. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get more time to show them how much I love the script and how much I love their theatre and how much I want a JOB, but that's the way life is. I got home yesterday and had to go straight to work, where I promptly put in my two weeks' notice at Texas Roadhouse. I'm sick of traveling back and forth to visit Michael and to go to auditions. I've found so many more opportunities that I can't go to because I can't ask off work anymore. So it's time to move and really go for it!

Of course, I promptly got really freaked out. I've lived in Stillwater my whole life, always ten minutes away from Mom and Dad. It's definitely time to move and be independent, but wow. Pretty scary. Far away from friends and family! I mean, if I moved to NYC I'd at least have Maggi and Rosie with me eventually. Or Chicago, I'd have most of the people I graduated with. Or in California, I'd have Emily. But Texas? Just Michael and me. But I know it's the right thing to do. And I'm VERY excited to start a career in Dallas. Who knows, maybe someday I will move to one of the big 3 places and become even more succesful. Dallas is just a starting point, from here on it will just be bigger and better things! I hope. Needless to say, prayers are very appreciated. I'm scared to leave everyone behind but SO excited to start this new journey. Plus I'll be just 3 1/2 hours away from Rosie, so I can be there for her while she plans her wedding. And I'm just a 4 1/2 hour drive away for family occasions like holidays and birthdays. I've been hoping for a big clear sign to let me know I'm doing the right thing, but maybe little signs like this callback are all I really need. I just keep telling myself to take it one day at a time.

Have a great weekend everyone! I know I will- I'm taking Rosie to Dallas to do more wedding dress shopping!!