Monday, November 22, 2010

Eat, Pray, Run

Hello all,

Today was a wonderful, relaxing day. I started it off by going on a run. Normally I run at our tiny little fitness room at our apartment complex. I've had many awkward encounters in that room, so my friend Amanda suggested going to and finding a path outdoors to run. I've been pretty spoiled on my treadmill, not having to face things like hills or wind, but man was it worth it!! I had the beautiful fall trees to stare at rather than a tv, and a breeze to cool me off rather than fans blowing around hot air in that little room. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner!

As I was running, I began to think about my book. I'm currently reading Eat, Pray, Love, and enjoying every single page!! It's so uplifting and wonderful. I hope someday I have the courage to go on an adventure like that (but hopefully I don't have to go through a divorce first, like she did. Yikes). Anyway, the last thing I read in my book was the author talking about Yoga. She said she used to do yoga in New York simply for fitness. But when she arrived in India, she was told that Americans found yoga and brought it back to the west for exercise. However, in India, people do it before they pray, to loosen up their minds and bodies so that they are better prepared to sit for long periods of time in prayer. Much like we do stretching and breathing exercises before acting. Are we about to take off running? Usually not. But it's much easier to focus on something when your body is relaxed and your mind is clear.

Just then, I noticed that my Ipod had mostly been playing Christian music. Now folks, I don't have a lot of Christian music, but what I did have seemed to all be playing in a row, and my Ipod was on shuffle! I had nothing else to think about except the inspiring music and the amazing view of God's work in the colorful trees. I also noticed how much easier it was to thank God for all my blessings when they were right in front of my eyes, and in my ears, and coursing through my veins. Let me tell you, it is much more motivation to listen to a little Krystal Meyers rather than those old ladies who always rush me through my workout so they can use the machines. Next time you work out, try listening to only spiritual music, whatever your beliefs are. Count your blessings and take in the beauty that surrounds you. It makes exercise much more exciting when you have positive things to preoccupy your mind. I am already excited for tomorrow's run!

Also today I went to Kinko's and printed off my script. I got home and immediately started highlighting my lines! Rehearsals for my show begin one week from tonight, and I absolutely can't wait! I'm so thrilled to be back in the theater. I know it's only been a few months since I've been on a stage, but it feels like forever. I'm so excited to make new friends in the cast and crew. I'm pretty nervous too, though. This is my first professional theater experience! I've never been paid to act. In college if I messed up, all was forgiven, because you're there to learn. Out here if you mess up, you could get fired. All the more motivation to be the best!

Later, Rosie called and we started talking wedding plans! Maggi is also engaged, and I can't wait to plan things with her as well! It seems like everything is falling into place, all at once. Life is so good. All the best to you and yours!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


PRAISE Him!! I have been CAST!

I went to an audition last weekend for a play called Sunday in New York. On Monday they called to say they wanted me to come to the callbacks! Yahoo! I was definitely happy, but didn't have high hopes, because I hadn't been cast yet in Dallas. So I went to the callback and it was so fun! Turns out there were only 2 other girls up for the lead. So I started to get my hopes up. I thought there would be tons of girls there competing for this role, but just 2 of us?? Those are great odds! I read with 3 great guys that night, who were all cast as well! So they called on Thursday night and offered me the part! I almost cried! I immediately called my mom! Haha. The show is going to be so funny, and I can't wait for rehearsals to start! Never ever ever give up on your dreams!

Sorry for the short post, but Michael, Jared, Amanda and I are going bowling tonight! Yahoo! Have a great weekend!

"Persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak."
Thomas Carlyle

Monday, November 15, 2010

Great day to snuggle down with a book... or not!

Hey ya'll--

So for the past few... months... yes, months! I have been TRYING to read 1984. Maggi's boyfriend Gabe loaned it to me after I finished The Hunger Games series. He said since I loved the conspiracy weird futuristic vibe that series had going on, I would love Animal Farm and 1984. Well, sorry Gabe, but... I didn't. I have literally been reading a few pages every night just to put me to sleep!! I can't help it. It's a great premise for a book, and I wish I had been forced to read it in high school so that I'd be obligated to finish it. But I gave up. Sorry all you out there who love it. I did make it through Animal Farm, and it was good, but I must admit. I was confused by the ending. I'm just not smart enough for these classics yet. I need to grow up a little more first.

SO instead I went to the Rockwall Library today and got myself a library card (finally!) and checked out Eat, Pray, Love. I'm pretty excited about this one. My only fear is that I'm going to want to up and move to Italy. It's probably going to happen. I'll have to fight the urge. I've already seen the movie, so I have high hopes for this book. The book is always better, right? Right.

So Travis and Ingrid visited last week! It was a blast. I was so happy to see them. They are crazy adventurous, and are always so sweet. They make me feel better about working at a makeup store while all Michael's friends are engineers. They are always so happy and encouraging. I wish they lived closer! Speaking of old friends, I went home this weekend to see OSU's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Oh, it was fantastic!! I laughed the whole time. It was so great to see my friends onstage. Afterward I ended up talking to my former professor, Matt, for about an hour. His family lives in Dallas and he has worked in the theater scene here, so he always has lots of advice. He made me feel so much more confident in my abilities and my strengths, and reminded me to never ever ever give up. I don't know what I would do without those professors! They are not your normal stuffy college profs. They are fantastic people who will be your friends for life. So I came home and went to an audition on Sunday that went really well! I'm feeling confident that even if I don't get it, I did a really good audition. Then I e-mailed Dallas Children's Theater and they said they might have an internship for me! Opportunities always present themselves when you put in a little extra effort.

Hope all your lives are fabulous, here is a video for you. I LOVE Florence + The Machine, and Mags gave me a few of their songs I haven't heard before over the weekend. I'm obsessed! So here ya go. Put it on and dance. I know you will.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lazy Jane

Remember that Shel Silverstein poem? I had all his books when I was little. Some of them are a little creepy, but most were so funny. Anyway, I was this girl today. And it was raining all day, so if I wanted a drink of water, I really could have done that!

So this weekend was Halloween, and we had a fabulous time! We went to one of Michael's work friend's house with our friends Jared and Amanda. Here they are as Batman and Batgirl:

I must admit, I was busy with work and put off my costume shopping. I went as a hippy and Michael went as where's Waldo:

Where is he??

Haha, we had a great time! Last night I had dinner with Amanda before I worked trivia. She is so laid-back and awesome. I'm glad to have a friend I can relate to here, since we're both young and moved to Texas to be with our boyfriends. It's also great to have "couple" friends! We all LOVE to travel, and we're trying to put together a trip for the four of us later this year or next. Amanda wants us to go to San Fransico, and you know I'd love any chance to go back to Cali!!

I've had one lazy cat today. I think my lazy mood has rubbed off on him.

What a cutie!!!

Tomorrow our friends Travis and Ingrid are coming to visit!! They're on a nation-wide motorcycle trip. They just ride all across the country and stop in on their friends! We are in the lucky few they are coming to see. Too bad we don't have any mountains around here for them to climb:

or caves to saplunk in:

like they had for us in Idaho, but they will have to make do with our lake! I can't wait to see them!!!

Time to clean to get ready for their visit! Have a fabulous evening!