Monday, November 22, 2010

Eat, Pray, Run

Hello all,

Today was a wonderful, relaxing day. I started it off by going on a run. Normally I run at our tiny little fitness room at our apartment complex. I've had many awkward encounters in that room, so my friend Amanda suggested going to and finding a path outdoors to run. I've been pretty spoiled on my treadmill, not having to face things like hills or wind, but man was it worth it!! I had the beautiful fall trees to stare at rather than a tv, and a breeze to cool me off rather than fans blowing around hot air in that little room. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner!

As I was running, I began to think about my book. I'm currently reading Eat, Pray, Love, and enjoying every single page!! It's so uplifting and wonderful. I hope someday I have the courage to go on an adventure like that (but hopefully I don't have to go through a divorce first, like she did. Yikes). Anyway, the last thing I read in my book was the author talking about Yoga. She said she used to do yoga in New York simply for fitness. But when she arrived in India, she was told that Americans found yoga and brought it back to the west for exercise. However, in India, people do it before they pray, to loosen up their minds and bodies so that they are better prepared to sit for long periods of time in prayer. Much like we do stretching and breathing exercises before acting. Are we about to take off running? Usually not. But it's much easier to focus on something when your body is relaxed and your mind is clear.

Just then, I noticed that my Ipod had mostly been playing Christian music. Now folks, I don't have a lot of Christian music, but what I did have seemed to all be playing in a row, and my Ipod was on shuffle! I had nothing else to think about except the inspiring music and the amazing view of God's work in the colorful trees. I also noticed how much easier it was to thank God for all my blessings when they were right in front of my eyes, and in my ears, and coursing through my veins. Let me tell you, it is much more motivation to listen to a little Krystal Meyers rather than those old ladies who always rush me through my workout so they can use the machines. Next time you work out, try listening to only spiritual music, whatever your beliefs are. Count your blessings and take in the beauty that surrounds you. It makes exercise much more exciting when you have positive things to preoccupy your mind. I am already excited for tomorrow's run!

Also today I went to Kinko's and printed off my script. I got home and immediately started highlighting my lines! Rehearsals for my show begin one week from tonight, and I absolutely can't wait! I'm so thrilled to be back in the theater. I know it's only been a few months since I've been on a stage, but it feels like forever. I'm so excited to make new friends in the cast and crew. I'm pretty nervous too, though. This is my first professional theater experience! I've never been paid to act. In college if I messed up, all was forgiven, because you're there to learn. Out here if you mess up, you could get fired. All the more motivation to be the best!

Later, Rosie called and we started talking wedding plans! Maggi is also engaged, and I can't wait to plan things with her as well! It seems like everything is falling into place, all at once. Life is so good. All the best to you and yours!


  1. What a sweet post, Kelsbud! I love you dearly and am excited to hear about your theater adventures! Happy Thanksgiving week!

  2. OMG! You're going to be in professional theater, congrats! Lol. And I absolutely love Eat Pray Love (no pun intended)good luck with everything XD
