Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Wow, goodbye October! Hello to a new month. It is 82 degrees in Texas right now. Bring on the fall.

Halloween Holiday Trivia:

* Orange and black are Halloween colors because orange is associated with the Fall harvest and black is associated with darkness and death.
* Jack o’ Lanterns originated in Ireland where people placed candles in hollowed-out turnips to keep away spirits and ghosts on the Samhain holiday.
* Pumpkins also come in white, blue and green. Great for unique monster carvings!
* Halloween was brought to North America by immigrants from Europe who would celebrate the harvest around a bonfire, share ghost stories, sing, dance and tell fortunes.
* Tootsie Rolls were the first wrapped penny candy in America.
* The ancient Celts thought that spirits and ghosts roamed the countryside on Halloween night. They began wearing masks and costumes to avoid being recognized as human.
* Halloween candy sales average about 2 billion dollars annually in the United States.
* Halloween is the 2nd most commercially successful holiday, with Christmas being the first.
* Bobbing for apples is thought to have originated from the roman harvest festival that honors Pamona, the goddess of fruit trees.
* Black cats were once believed to be witch's familiars who protected their powers.
* Chocolate candy bars top the list as the most popular candy for trick-or-treaters with Snickers #1.

Have a safe and very happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Long time, no write!

It's been a while since I've written, but that usually means life has been busy and wonderful! So a couple of weeks ago Mags and I headed to California. Let me tell you, it was the time of my life! I had never been to the West Coast before, and it was so amazing. The weather was cloudy but not cold, and compared to our Ireland flight, the travel time seemed really short! We flew into LAX and then I took a train to Santa Maria. It was called the Pacific Coastliner because it went right along the ocean! So beautiful! Above is a picture of Mags, Laura and I in a fun little restaurant in LA.

This was the view out the window of my train. My first view of the Pacific was from this train! Ahh! So I arrive in Santa Maria that night, and the next day I had my audition at PCPA. It went really great, and the casting director was such a great man. I will be auditioning for them again when they come through Dallas in about a month. Hopefully I'll get on for their summer season :) It would be a dream to live in California! I absolutely fell in love while I was there. My only regret is that the trip wasn't longer.

Quick recap of the trip:
Thursday/Friday were traveling and my audition. Friday night we headed into LA for the weekend! Saturday we spent the day being complete tourists, and it was fabulous! We saw celebrity houses, Hollywood Blvd, did some shopping, and then took a powernap. We also saw a ton of scientologist churches!! I didn't even know what scientologists believe until that trip. But boy, they were everywhere! Sunday we went to Santa Monica pier! It was great weather! Even though it was cloudy it was still warm and we played in the water a little bit :)

Then Sunday Emily had to go back to work and so I joined up with Maggi and her friend Laura. We had a blast! We went to a haunted house Sunday, and then saw the Upright Citizens Brigade later that night! Monday we went to a Doug Benson taping for his new show, "The Benson Interruption." It was so fun and we even got to meet him afterwards!

By the way, when I got home, I saw him on a really old Friends episode. I was like, "I MET HIM!!" Haha I could never be famous because I feel like I'll always be starstruck! Then the next day we flew back to good ol' Texas.

So needless to say, I was a little sad to return to Texas. I definitely missed Michael, but after travelling so many wonderful places these past few months, I've realized I don't want to live in the MidWest permanently. This is definitely a great place to settle down and raise a family, but who's ready for that? Not me. So I've been applying to random places I've wanted to visit, trying to find a place that's right for me. So far I've applied to Yellowstone and a work/live program in Australia. Who knows what could happen. Maybe I'll never even hear back from them, but if I do, what a great opportunity!!

However, I have been trying to make the best of my time here in Dallas. I have sent in applications to a couple of local agents, and I had an audition Monday night that went really well. It's for a brand-new theater in Dallas called Nouveau 47 Theater, and they're doing Measure for Measure. I have always loved Shakespeare. I used to be one of those people who didn't understand it and became frustrated easiliy, but now I almost prefer it. So I was very happy when I got the call that said I got a callback :) I'm going back on Saturday to read for them again. Yay! I have another audition Monday night, and I can't wait!

Time to go get dinner ready, stir-fry tonight! YUM!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Look at me, two days in a row! Yahoo! I wouldn't normally have time to do this but my love decided to go play tennis with one of his buddies, so I'm all on my lonesome. Figured this would pass the time :)

So today I did something despicable. The past couple times I've gone to the gym, I've run into some characters. Now, I normally love talking to strangers. People in the check-out line, fellow auditionees, customers at Ulta, whatever. But NOT when I'm working out. I don't like to make small talk while I'm sweating and gasping for breath. Talking just makes it harder for me to focus on my workout, especially talking to these people. Monday I ran into a man who was a bit sexist. He asked lots of personal questions and every time I answered he said, "Ah, typical of women. Always want what they can't have." Or, "You women. Always obsessed with your makeup, huh?" And so on. Until finally I said, "EXCUSE ME. It's been lovely talking to you, really, but I'm done with my workout." Actually, I wasn't done with my workout, I just went outside for my run rather than on the treadmill. The next day, a woman who didn't speak much english came in and wanted to ask me lots of questions about the show that was on the TV. That show was Desperate Housewives. Awkward because one of the characters was experimenting with her sexuality. How am I supposed to explain that? And finally, yesterday. The gym in our apartment complex is a small one. An olyptical, a couple weight lifting machines, and two treadmills. Well, I had just jumped on one of those treadmills when 2 older ladies walked in. Both wanted to use the treadmills. One asked when I would be done. When I replied that I had just started, so I would be a while, they continued to stare at me for a good 5 minutes until I melted and left.

So today, I went to my gym, and thankfully it was empty. I turned on the Today show and THEN... put in my headphones. Without turning my Ipod on. I know. It's shallow. But it turned out to be effective. I could still watch TV while appearing to be busy listening to music. When people walked in, I simply pretended to be jamming out to music. And magically... they left me alone. Miraculous!!

I know these people mean well. They don't mean to annoy me, they just want a nice chat. But you know what I want? A home gym.

All righty, as promised, here is another new Jason Mraz song! This one is fitting because Mags and I are headed to California one week from today!! Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Life IS Good!

So today has been a weird one already! It's only 1:30 and I've had a couple of little disappointments. But we're back on track now! Here's what's up:

So every once in a while I'll send out my headshot and resume to casting agencies around Texas. I never really expect to hear anything back, but yesterday I got a call from one of those places. They wanted me to be an extra in the movie "Spy Kids 4." I was really excited! The director, Robert Rodriguez, is really awesome (and good-looking) and directs many movies that I love. I would have been in heaven if I had even seen a glimpse of him! Anyway, he owns a studio in Austin, which is about 3 hours from here. It's a very managable drive, especially since movies pay really well! So I said of course I could be there. They said they would call and/or e-mail last night with my call time. So I went to trivia night and worked, got home, and hadn't received my call. I checked my e-mail and... nothin! So I was a little worried this wasn't going to work out. I mean, chances are my call time was supposed to be around 9 or 10am, and I would need to get up really early to shower and then make the 3 hour drive. So if I hadn't heard by then, I figured it fell through.

And boy, was I right. I woke up this morning to a 7am phone call. It was an Austin area code, and a woman was asking where I am. Well, I'm in bed in my home in Rockwall, Texas. She said it was too late and that I was going to miss out on today's shoot. I told her I never received a call or e-mail and she realized she had the wrong address! BUMMER! I was so looking forward to this experience. I even asked off of work for tonight because I figured it would take the whole day! So I'm wondering where my headshot and resume went and why they didn't get my info off of there. I hope it isn't floating around in an office black hole where paperwork is lost. But she said they'll be doing many more shoots that require extras so I should hear from them again soon. I hope she isn't pulling my leg because I was really looking forward to it!

So since I was up, I went and worked out and enjoyed a nice lunch. Then I figured, "Hey, what a great day to go check out Scooter's and have a delicious cup of coffee and read my book! I'll even wear my new slouchy fall hat." So I go down to the Harbor and walk around for about 15 minutes. I can't find it! It's in the Bermuda Triangle or something. Lost. So I pop into the Life is Good store (any excuse to go in there, right?) and ask the woman working where Scooter's is. She says it closed down a long time ago and Starbucks is the only coffee shop Rockwall has. Phooey. Just as I suspected. So I bought a Life is Good sticker to put on my water bottle and headed on my way.

So in the end, I had no choice but to go to Starbucks. But hey, they are still delicious. I took my coffee to-go and headed back down to the Harbor so I could enjoy it while looking out at the lake. Then I remembered I had my book with me in my purse. I opened it up, and my bookmarker fell out. Earlier this week I jotted down a quote I saw on my bookmark, and boy did it come in handy to read it right then:

"One of the best tools for longevity and good health is not just taking a walk outdoors but taking a walk while holding the hand of God. When we walk in gratitude for each and every moment, we empower ourselves by empowering our spirits. When we breathe in nature through our eyes, ears and lips, we become certain that not only are our souls eternal, but that God knows how to manage our lives, our troubles, our worries and our days better than we do. So today and everyday- 'let go and let God.'"

Is that fitting, or what? So it was a great zen moment. And I still got to wear my slouchy hat:

Not too shabby, right? Then I came home and logged on to see what's hip and happening on Twitter, and I saw that Jason Mraz had tweeted about some new songs he's released! It's like a mini-album!! What a great way to turn my day around! For those of you who know me well, you know that Jason Mraz is my obsession. He has been my favorite artist for as long as I can remember! Before I even owned any kind of mp3 player, that's for sure. If I ever get famous, my first act will be to meet him. And here's a funny coincidence- his new album is called Life is Good!! The same name as my favorite store. Hmm. Over my next few blogs, I'm going to leave you with a few of his new songs. If I left them all now, you'd never watch them. But hopefully one video at a time, I will get you all hooked. I encourage you to run out and buy an album of his, any album (although I will tell you, his live albums are the best). I promise it will turn around any bad day you're having. And if you aren't having a bad day, it will just make you elated!! Put this on while you're checking your facebook, doing the dishes, whatever. You will find yourself dancing, I promise! Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Redheads Reunited!

Ok, I'll admit it, I'm a fair weather blogger. I just don't have the time anymore! Which I guess is a good thing! But get ready because this one's gonna be a long one!

This weekend was the BEST! My brother Luke and his wife Ashley came down to visit!! I don't have any close friends down here yet, so it was really nice to have people I know in town!! Thursday night we went to a Daniel Tosh concert, which was really really funny! He is just as good live as he is on his show.

I didn't trust anyone with my camera, so we had to make do taking one of ourselves :)

Friday morning I worked at Ulta and then came home and napped a little while Luke and Ash went to the state fair. Friday night we went to a Rangers game!! It was really exciting, they went into extra innings. They ended up losing by 1 point, but oh well. At least I got to spend time with my loved ones. That's what baseball is really about, right?? Maybe not for the players, but for me it is!

My love and me at the game :)

Luke and Ash!!

Saturday we went to IHOP for breakfast and then I showed Luke and Ash around my 'hood. Rockwall is such a pretty town, as I've said many times before, so I was excited to show them the sites! First we went down to the Harbor and those 2 went nuts over the Life Is Good store! I found some stuff I really wanted too, but I need to save my money for my California trip!! I just love Life Is Good stuff. That whole store radiates positivity. You can't help but walk out of there smiling! I would love to open up a Life Is Good store someday. Or a coffee shop. Or both in ONE! That would be a dream. Especially right on the lake. Wowzers. Then we crossed the lake and went to the GIANT Bass Pro Shop that overlooks the lake. As soon as we walked in, Luke and I had to snap this picture:

Haha... get it? Oy. We're hilarious.

Then we headed over to The Flying Saucer so they could see where I work on Tuesdays doing the trivia! We had a drink out on the patio (overlooking the lake, of course). The weather was just delightful.

Then those crazy kids had to head home. But I was sooooo glad they came to see us! Beginning of next month our friends Travis and Ingrid are coming too! And my parents still need to come see my new town. I can't wait! I love having people over!

Kitty Update:

Jack has learned to hiss. Or at least learned he CAN hiss. He does it pretty often now. When we're playing, when he's running. Whenever. Just now he got his little foot caught in the couch and hissed at that! He wasn't even hurt, he just wanted to share that with us. Doesn't he look so ferocious?

ALL RIGHT, also while we were at the Harbor, the BEST thing happened!! I saw this magical sign. My personal beacon of hope:

Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? Let me explain. I have searched high and low for a coffee shop, ANY coffee shop, that is not a Starbucks. Rockwall has FOUR Starbucks! Don't get me wrong, Starbucks makes delicious drinks. But it's such a cold environment! I miss my Aspen in Stillwater. It was big and cozy and everyone knows everyone. I know I can't expect that having just moved here and all, but I just wanted a coffee shop where I could go a couple times a week and get to know the baristas, maybe even work there at some point. AND I'VE FOUND ONE! Finally! I haven't been in yet, but it's beautiful from the outside. I think tomorrow on my day off I'm going to go and snuggle down with a book. Don't judge, I'm passionate about coffee.

I had a few auditions last week that went really well, but I'm not sure about callbacks yet. The Dallas Children's Theater one was a cast of adults who play 1st graders. Being 5'11" and all, I didn't really fit in. My audition for Dallas Theater Center went REALLY well though! I waited for about 2 hours to sing for them, and I ended up being the next-to-last person to sing for the whole day! Am I lucky or what? So I sang and they asked me to stay for the dance auditions. I feel like I danced well, but I won't hear about callbacks for a month or so. The show is Cabaret and it's in the spring! I realllllllly hope I get it. They rehearse 8 hours a day, Tuesday through Sunday!! Just like theaters in NY and Chicago! Most Dallas theaters rehearse in the evenings because they don't pay much, so they give you time to work your "real" job. But DTC is the best one in Dallas, so they can pay!! I could quit my silly part-time jobs and be full-time theater! Plus it's a musical so my days would be filled with singing and dancing. What a dream. I will keep you posted when I hear more in a couple weeks. Then my last audition was Lieutenant of Inishmore. That went well too, I got to use my Irish dialect, and I'm red-headed, AND I've been to Ireland, so you'd think I'd be a shoe-in, right? Wrong. The part is a 16 year-old. So once again my height works against me. But I'm optimistic that something will come along soon.

If you stuck through all this, you're a true friend. Thanks for reading, hope you had a very happy weekend!! Go outside, it's beautiful!