Monday, September 12, 2011

Leap and the net will appear.


What's new and hip and happenin' in your lives? I am just livin' life to the fullest here in Dallas. Currently still working at Ulta, attempting to teach theater to some wild children a few afternoons a week, and rehearsing for "Camp Death" at Pocket Sandwich Theater. I'm excited to be working with some of my closest friends again, and meeting some pretty awesome new friends. It opens September 30 and runs through November. As I've said a million times before, I'm so lucky to be working in theater! I love my job.

As usual, I miss Stillwater a lot. I'm excited to go home in a few short weeks for Maggi's wedding! EEEEEK!

In other news, I have a 10k coming up that I really need to get my bod in shape for! And it's not just a 10k. It's a mud run. When I start I'm going to look like this:

Don't question the helmet.

And when I'm done I'm gonna look like this:

I know. Terriying, right? But it's for a good cause. It benefits the National MS Society, and I'm running with a few friends. This is my first year to do it and I'm really excited! I will keep you posted on how the training is coming along. For more info, check out their sit:

That's it for now, much love---