Monday, December 6, 2010


Rehearsals have begun!!

Last Monday we started rehearsals for Sunday in New York! I'm so so happy to be in my first Dallas play! My first play in the real world! Yahooooo! I read the play several times over Thanksgiving break because I wasn't sure how strict our director would be about having our lines memorized. Turns out he is very laid back and super cool! Monday night we did a read-through and let me tell you, the script is a lot funnier with other people reading with you! It was a relief to hear laughter while we were reading it. It just reminded me that this is a funny play, no stress needed. The only problem is, I have been a kinda worried about my little car. Old Blue is reliable, but getting pretty old. Rehearsals are in Plano, about 30 minutes from here, and it's getting cold. Say your prayers that I make it to and fro safely! I get a little nervy at night on these ridiculous Texas highways. I complain a lot about how hot Texas is for December, but thankfully we won't have ice. Knock on wood.

So althroughout last week we have been blocking the scenes. We are about halfway done! The cast and crew are SO nice. Everyone is really funny and easygoing. There's some onstage kissing in this show, but they're really good about making a joke of it and not being awkward. Hopefully everything keeps going great :) This week and next we are finishing it and then running the show as many times as we can before we break for Christmas!! I can't believe the holidays are so close!

Speaking of the holidays, work has been crazy as well. This is my first retail job, and I'm really glad for the experience, but it makes me not enjoy the holidays as much as I normally would. People get pushy and mean! Tis the season people, cheer up. The store is so crazy, I had to be there at 5am on Saturday morning just to clean up before we even opened! Let me tell you, if I can slap a smile on my face after waking up at 4am, you can be nice to me when you slept in and then got up to spend money on your loved ones. Be friendly while you're out shopping! Remember that cheesy saying, it's harder to frown than it is to smile. Also, ALL ULTA PLAYS over the soundsystem is Christmas music. Normally I would be delighted about this, but the music is so weird. It's all techno and strange, and there's some kind of rule about not saying "God" or "Christ" or anything like that, so on the religious songs (aka all of them), they bleep out the God words with techno screeches and wicki-wickies. Not cool. The rest are 20 different versions of "Santa Baby." Yuck. The good news is, Michael got me an early Christmas present-- REAL Christmas music I won't get sick of! The Glee Christmas album!

It's so sweet and uplifting. My favorite is "We Need a Little Christmas." Ain't that the truth! It also has my 2 favorite classics, Oh Holy Night and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Amber Riley has the most beautiful voice. She's my fave, and I can't wait for the Christmas episode.

That's all for today, not much going on besides work and rehearsal (which I guess is also work but just feels like fun). Life is good! Be happy and spread cheer.